Liner Chrome Extension – Search Faster & Highlight Web/YouTube

October 12, 2022
Updated 2022/10/25 at 1:45 PM
2 Min Read
Liner Chrome Extension

Liner Chrome Extension is a highlighter pen for the internet. It highlights, comment, manage highlight, share highlights, etc. It supports a number of browsers including Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, and others. You may get the mobile version from the App Store.


LINER makes it easier to identify and understand trustworthy knowledge quickly amid the deluge of information. Learn about the highlights of the internet as selected by billions of smart people worldwide. Liner support was largely utilized in earlier iterations of the RS2 software to represent tunnel liners made of concrete or shotcrete that had been sprayed on.

The capabilities of the Liner Chrome Extension support model have been increased with each successive software release to include support kinds that are not necessarily liners but that may still be described using the same fundamental techniques.

Because of this, the phrase “Liner support” in RS2 now refers to a wide range of geotechnical support types. The basic of Liner Chrome Extension is free and there are no credit cards required.

These days, liner support can be modeled as:

  • Basic liners (e.g. a single layer of shotcrete)
  • Reinforced Concrete
  • Composite lining (e.g. liners consisting of multiple layers of material)
  • Wall piles (e.g. a structural beam element with a joint on both sides)
  • The use of Geosynthetic materials like geotextiles and geogrids
  • Struts or other independent supporting components
  • In coal mines, cable truss supports are employed.

Below is a list of other modeling variations; click the links for more details.

Simple Liner

Composite Liner




Cable Truss

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