Todoist Chrome Extension

October 28, 2022
Updated 2022/10/28 at 10:40 AM
3 Min Read
Todoist Chrome Extension

Utilize Todoist Chrome Extension to manage your life and work. Over 25 million people use Todoist, which The Verge called “the best to-do list right now,” to plan, organize, and work together on projects of all sizes.


Use Todoist Chrome to:

  • Add a blog article to your reading list by adding websites as assignments. Add a product to your wishlist. Work tasks should be included for follow-up.
  • Schedule your day: Immediately from the extension, arrange your daily tasks.
  • Finish tasks in the browser: After finishing your chores, tick them off without changing context.

Accomplish more with Todoist Chrome Extension on desktop and mobile:

  • Write down and arrange chores as soon as they come to mind.
  • Use due dates and reminders to help you remember deadlines.
  • Create enduring habits by setting recurrent deadlines, such as “every Monday”.
  • Assign tasks to others so that you can work on projects together.
  • Use priority levels to order your tasks.
  • Monitor your development with customized productivity trends.

With more than 60 app connections available, including Google Drive, Dropbox, Zapier, Evernote, and Slack, Todoist Chrome Extension will rapidly turn into your central organizing tool for work and life.


  • You can keep track of your next social gathering By right-clicking a Facebook event page and adding it to your Todoist Inbox.
  • Choose an amazing statistic from a research journal that you wish to quote in a future piece, then right-click it and choose to save the text as a hyperlinked task.
  • You can keep up with your to-do list without leaving the website you’re visiting by selecting the Todoist Chrome Extension icon in your extensions bar.
  • Utilize the full power of Quick Add built right into your browser extension to organize and prioritize new tasks as you browse the web.

Download Todoist Chrome for Android

Todoist: to-do list & planner

Download Todoist Chrome Extension for Apple

Todoist: To-Do List & Planner

Privacy practices

Todoist Chrome Extension has disclosed the following information regarding the collection and usage of your data. More detailed information can be found in the publisher’s privacy policy.

This publisher declares that your data is:

  • Safe from being sold to third parties and only being used for the intended purposes
  • Can’t be used or transferred for activities other than those necessary to use the item as intended
  • Not being applied or transmitted for the purpose of evaluating creditworthiness or lending.

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