Print Friendly & PDF Chrome Extension

September 26, 2022
Updated 2022/09/26 at 4:15 PM
2 Min Read
Print Friendly & PDF Chrome Extension
Print Friendly & PDF Chrome Extension

Here’s another tool to help you be more productive! We have a Print Friendly & PDF Chrome Extension. The name of the tool clearly states what it performs.

Right from this addon, you may construct a page that is considerably more print-friendly. You can print, print to PDF, and email the page to yourself using this feature.

If it includes information that you don’t want to be printed, you can modify the sections by removing the items from them.

The navigation bar, footer information, and any page adverts will all be instantly removed. If you’re using this to print off someone’s CV or profile, any links on the page will be saved in PDF or email copies, which can be very helpful.

We think this tool is fantastic and that it will function in almost any place! This is also good for the environment because, if you print a lot, it will allow you to save money on paper and ink.

You can download a web page as a PDF using the straightforward application Print-Friendly & PDF. You can change the font size, eliminate the graphics, and choose between letter- and A4-sized pages. Simply click to erase any portions of the page that you want to remove.

Additionally, this Print Friendly & PDF Chrome Extension provides a function to transmit the page through email and a beautifully presented PDF print-friendly version. Print Friendly & PDF, therefore, accomplishes the task for anything as simple as downloading a web page as a PDF.


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