MozBar Chrome Extension

October 5, 2022
Updated 2022/10/05 at 1:04 PM
3 Min Read
MozBar Chrome Extension

The MozBar Chrome Extension is a free Chrome Extension that makes it simple to acquire link analytics and do all of your SEO tasks while on the move. When you search, the MozBar Chrome Extension displays link metrics for pages and domains, including the Domain Authority, Page Authority, and the number of backlinks for each site. Additionally, you may explore page elements, examine search results from a different engine, nation, area, or city, highlight the different link kinds on a website (followed and no-followed, internal and external), and look at meta tags. You may run as many page optimization reports as you like using MozBar and a Moz Pro membership.

In this guide, you will Learn more about the MozBar Chrome extension and how to use the tool. Please go to our troubleshooting guide if you’re experiencing issues with the tool. Please refer to our Page Optimization with MozBar tutorial if you want to learn more about the Page Optimization functionality in MozBar.


Whenever you examine any page or SERP, MozBar Chrome Extension provides you with immediate metrics.

  • Build unique engine, nation, region, or city searches.
  • Easily determine any site’s or page’s Page Authority and Domain Authority.
  • Access link metrics when browsing any SERP and compare them amongst sites.
  • Identify and highlight keywords on a page, then classify links into Followed, No-Followed, External, and Internal links.
  • Display page components, global attributes, markup, and HTTP status.
  • Your search engine results page (SERP) analysis information may be exported to a CSV file.

With a MozBar Chrome Extension Pro Subscription, you may access more MozBar Premium features, including:

Keyword Difficulty

  • View the keyword difficulty score for every search phrase on any SERP in real-time using this tool.

Page Optimization

  • Get immediate page optimization information and content recommendations for any term on any page.

More Metrics

  • More Metrics – Access limitless Open Site Explorer reports, root domain and subdomain linkages, and more to go deeper into page and SERP analysis data.

Privacy Practices

MozBar Chrome Extension has disclosed some privacy information to all it’s users. You can find more detailed information on privacy policy.

The information accessed by MozBar Chrome Extension includes:

  • Information that you enter on our websites while filling out forms. This includes, but is not limited to, data you give us when you register for the Services and when you contact us about a site-related issue.
  • If you contact us, we may keep copies of and records of your correspondence, including email addresses.
  • Your replies to any surveys you may be asked to complete for study.
  • Information about the transactions you do on our websites and on how your orders are filled. Before placing a purchase through our Sites, you might be asked for financial information.
  • Your website search requests.
  • Information about your marketing activities that you enter on our websites so that we may offer you services.


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