Database Design Course – Complete Database Design & Modeling Beginners Tutorial

September 21, 2022
Updated 2022/09/21 at 12:09 PM
8 Min Read
database design course
database design course

In this database design course, you will learn database design the easy way. Anyone interested in learning about database design or data modeling, in general, should take this course.

You will learn about the underlying ideas behind databases, their uses, and data design modeling in this course. Go from simple to complex with a real-life example: an online store’s DB using MySQL.

What you’ll discover

  • Discover what a database is, how it functions, and the significance of databases.
    learn about the 3 stages of relational database design and data modeling.
  • Discover the procedures for producing a reliable database design.
  • Find out what database normalization is and how to use 1NF, 2NF, and 3FN in database design.
  • Discover how to create one-to-one, many-to-one, and many-to-many database relationships.
  • Following various real-world examples will help you better understand each theoretical phase.
  • From scratch, you will be able to create a relational database.
  • You’ll be able to respond to the most typical database interview questions.
  • A concrete e-commerce database design schema will be available for you to add to your portfolio.


  • No coding, design, or technical knowledge is required.
  • A computer running any operating system. The tools used in this tutorial are FREE and run on: Windows, Linux, and macOS.
  • Willingness to learn about Databases, Data Modeling & Database Design

Description of Database Design Course

Are databases and database design new to you? Do you think you have to wing it when it comes to designing the database for your project? Or perhaps you simply want to include this in-demand talent on your resume. We can help with our Database Design Beginner’s Tutorial. This is how:

  • Learn by creating a real-world database from start to finish. The database design for an online store is covered in the tutorial. By the end of the database design course, you’ll understand how to use database design principles on actual projects rather than just a fictitious database. You’ll do away with speculation and create a database with assurance.
  • You won’t be overwhelmed by the complexity of database design because it is built up from simple to complicated in small, gradual increments. Every new idea will automatically develop, making database design seem simple as pie.
  • For each theoretical definition, several examples: Theoretical database design might be intimidating. It is simpler to understand when multiple real-world examples are given after each theoretical concept.
  • Brief & Sweet: No droning. Direct and to the point You’ll truly complete this tutorial. The ideal balance of theory and real-world examples will let you act quickly and apply what you’ve learned to your tasks!

NEW (2018) Quiz Test! 35 Popular Database Design Interview Questions. 

You will learn the answers to the following topics:

  • What is a database?
  • How do databases work? The power of database indexes.
  • What are some different types of database management systems (DBMS)
  • What is a relational database? What are tables, columns, primary keys, foreign keys, relationships, and much more
  • What is database design and why is database design important?
  • What are the 3 levels of database design? Conceptual, Logical, and Physical database design.  
  • Data modeling and database design tools. You will also learn how to set up MySQL Workbench on your computer and how to design a database with its aid.
  • What database normalization is and how to apply the three normal forms (1NF, 2NF, 3NF)
  • What does data redundancy mean?
  • How to design and create database relationships: one-to-one, many-to-one and many-to-many.
  • Complete the design of an online store’s database. Create entities and attributes for products, items, customers, categories, brands, reviews, etc.
  • Finally, you’ll learn how to use forward engineering (a feature of MySQL Workbench) to create the actual database on MySQL Server.
  • Every technical lecture has attached a screenshot of the resulting database schema

This video is ideal for business owners, professionals, and students who need to include databases in their projects and use data more effectively than they can with Excel. They can also use this database design course to add Database Design to their resumes and advance in their careers.

Following this database design course some feedback from students is provided here:

The fantastic fast-paced lecture was clearly presented and supported by lots of examples.

Nick Schell

The professor is quite knowledgeable about databases and database design.

This database design course is the foundation for a thorough grasp of the chapters covered, so I would strongly advise it to anyone wishing to learn the foundations of database architecture, table relationships, and how to establish physical databases.

I heartily endorse it.


“This tutorial delivers on what it promises. It is direct and easy to understand. I believe the author is very knowledgeable and competent. Make it happen without asking what else we, the students, need.

Alanico Apaza Alcides

The Complete Database Design and Modeling Beginners Tutorial is a fantastic value when compared to the time and money required to gather this knowledge from various online sources, organize it, and provide a step-by-step example from real-world use.

Database Design will be straightforward to understand because this lesson walks you through a succession of gradual processes, from simple to sophisticated, with real-world examples.

Purchase NOW and become a part of our community of 10812+ students who are learning Database Design and advancing their careers. Get your money back if you can’t quickly learn database design! There’s no need to wait because our course is covered with a 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee.

Join NOW and receive great discounts and promotions that are only available to our students through student announcements, such as free courses.

Special thanks go out to artmonkey and makyzz/Freepik for the design of the course image.

Who should take this Database Design Course:

  • The Future Data Analysts
  • Database integration for non-technical professionals working on projects
  • college grads seeking employment as software developers
  • Learn more about Database Design for Developers
  • Entrepreneurs that wish to use data more effectively in their businesses
  • students who are just beginning to use databases

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