Google ads Tutorial for Beginners 

October 28, 2022
Updated 2022/10/28 at 3:58 PM
3 Min Read
Google ads Tutorial for Beginners 

With this Google ads Tutorial for Beginners, you’ll learn how to utilize Google Ads to build your business by reaching more people online.

What you’ll learn

  • The basics of AdWords
  • Targeting of campaigns
  • Taking Care of Budgets and Bids
  • Making Effective Ads
  • keyword analysis
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Tools for Research
  • Optimization Techniques
  • Introduction to Advanced AdWords as a Bonus (Display & Remarketing)


In less than 3 hours, you will discover how to construct Google AdWords campaigns that increase traffic, enhance sales, and expand your online business , or you get your money back!

You will gain a thorough understanding of every aspect of campaign creation that results in a high return on investment, from targeting and research to producing effective advertising and campaign optimization.

You will have a solid understanding of AdWords’ fundamentals and operation, which is essential for developing profitable campaigns. Additionally, you will receive a FREE copy of my eBook, Google ads Tutorial for Beginners , in addition to lifelong access to the course.

After finishing Google ads Tutorial for Beginners , you will have the information necessary to either start your first campaign or significantly enhance an existing one. I provide thorough illustrations and tried-and-true methods that I have personally employed to manage thousands of profitable AdWords campaigns.

Each lesson includes:

  • A thorough video tutorial
  • A walk-through screencast using a real AdWords account
  • Links to resources and pertinent publications for more reading

In order for you to follow along in your AdWords Account or to be fully prepared when launching your first campaign, the walk-through will provide you with a first-person perspective on every element of setting up and managing your campaigns. Doing something will help you learn faster than just listening.

So that you can keep current with all of the tools in your AdWords toolbox, this Google ads Tutorial for Beginners course is frequently updated to reflect new Google features and updates.

If all of that appeals to you, sign up right now, and we’ll begin working through Google ads Tutorial for Beginners .

Who this course is for:

  • Entrepreneurs
  • Marketing Professionals
  • Business Owners
  • Marketing Students

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