Complete WordPress Course – For Beginners and Pros

September 23, 2022
Updated 2022/09/23 at 5:04 PM
5 Min Read
complete WordPress course
complete WordPress course

The complete WordPress course was created to assist you in learning about blogging while going through modules focused on producing excellent content. Create your own website from scratch using WordPress Even if you never made a website before!

  • Install WordPress locally so you may learn without spending money on a domain and hosting.
  • How to build a website using WordPress and the Elementor Page Builder from scratch.
  • How to become an authority on WordPress. Use these incredible editors to create attractive pages, posts, and portfolio pieces.
  • Download, set up, and customize third-party WordPress plugins.
  • How to build an online store.
  • How to optimize your website for search engines like Google, Bing, and others.
  • How to migrate your website to a different domain, export it, and back it up.
  • Learn how to build websites for customers and perhaps launch your own web design business.

Requirements for the Complete WordPress Course

  • You require a browser and a computer with an internet connection.
  • The videos can only be viewed online or downloaded to a device if your internet connection is active.
  • You don’t need to know how to code or program.
  • You will learn how to make a website on your computer, but there are charges associated with getting a domain name and web hosting.

Description for the Complete WordPress Course

I’ll show you how to build a website from scratch using WordPress, the Astra theme, and the Elementor Page Builder in this complete WordPress course.

Even if you are brand-new to WordPress, this complete WordPress course will help you master it! I’ll share with you all that I know about WordPress! That’s not all, either. In addition, I’ll demonstrate how to set up a webshop.

My greatest passion is sharing my knowledge with others. I began doing that on YouTube in June 2015, and now I want to advance it by creating more in-depth tutorials on the topics I find fascinating. And I adore Elementor Page Builder and WordPress!

Check out the free videos in my complete WordPress course to see if my teaching style is right for you.

What other people are saying about me and my courses is as follows:

“Thank you so much for this, Ferdy! It has aided me in assembling my entire website:)”

“Salut, Ferdy I’d like to thank you for sharing all your videos. You have a very good heart, as evidenced by your videos. Your videos always help me advance…

Don’t change anything about yourself and everybody must remember that the above courses which gave you a basic way, a lot of personal work is the key to success. BRAVO Ferdy. Take care, Ferdy.”

“Ferdy, Your videos have taught me and guided me so much! I’ve watched the enfold and mail chimp all the way through as I’ve gotten started! You are an excellent teacher, and I am so grateful that my search led me to you and your videos.

I’m inspired by you already, and you have made a huge difference in my life! I respect your drive and devotion to be excellent in what you do.

I want that too! Your English is definitely understandable in the videos. I have never struggled to hear or interpret what you say and mean, and because you enunciate so well, your Dutch accent does not hinder your message.

But I respect you for wanting to continue to improve! Keep going! I’m so excited about your next videos and tutorials!”

“Ferdy, I really like your tutorials and of complete WordPress course the way you deliver things to people. Please keep going on.”

“Man, you are the best. if feels like you have so much positive energy and want to share it with us the beginners. All the best!!”

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who wants to learn how to make a website

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