How to Build Self-Confidence – 40minute Confidence & Self Esteem Guide

October 21, 2022
Updated 2022/10/21 at 4:01 PM
5 Min Read
How to Build Self-Confidence - 40minute Confidence & Self Esteem Guide

3 hours of content! Boost Your Self-Esteem & Self-Confidence, Overcome Rejection Fear, Master Powerful Body Language, and Feel Great

What you’ll learn

  • Previous Content Update: JUNE 2021
  • Boost Your Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence Levels
  • Get Rid of Your Rejection Fear
  • Discover Effective Techniques for Increasing Self-Esteem
  • Discover Why and How to Embrace Vulnerability.
  • Create a strong, confident body language.
  • Adopt a potent counterintuitive approach to develop your Self-confidence while remaining true to yourself.
  • Try one of the most effective exercises for increasing self-assurance and respect.
  • What to do with routine social interactions?
  • How can one eliminate negative self-talk?
  • Videos of studio-quality from a teacher with awards


This course is one of the best Self-confidence courses on Udemy and has constantly been recognized over the years. It was created with professionals who are busy in mind. You have access to the most effective techniques for boosting confidence and self-esteem while remaining honest rather than being barraged with hours of films.

  • Created by an Udemy Instructor. Partnering with 60,000+ TOP Reviews!
  • REVISED in 2022 (almost 3 hours of EXTRA videos)
  • Jimmy’s classes attracted over 315,000 students from 194 nations.
  • Featured in the publications Business Insider, FoxNews, Forbes, and Entrepreneur
  • Previously employed by Goldman Sachs and Allianz, now a mobile entrepreneur
  • the first-ever Udemy Innovation Award winner
  • Speaker of distinction at illustrious gatherings including DNX, Afest, Sharjah Entrepreneurship Festival, MindvalleyU, DNX Global, and Digital|K
  • 77 countries have been visited while establishing successful businesses.

What do present students think about this program?

“The instructor is very articulate and offers insightful advice that everyone may apply to their daily lives. I’m so appreciative of this course. I’m grateful.” – AP School

“Thank you so much, Mr. Jimmy Naraine. Your videos, particularly the second and seventh ones from this course, were very helpful to me. They appear to be more easily used in real life than in theoretical discussions.” Shaima Kassem

“Speaker are captivating, and charismatic. This lecture was enjoyable. I gained fresh knowledge while also solidifying and enhancing what I already knew “Mei Ling Ng.

“A dynamic speaker who is passionate about teaching and spreading self-confidence awareness. I thoroughly loved this brief lesson.” Steph Mae Woodall

“All of the methods were effective, and the handshake technique was a particularly nice one. I struggle with awkward handshaking, but I’ll do everything I can to fix it. One last thing I want to mention is how wonderful it is to encourage others to put what you have taught them into practice. Bravo (Y) (Y) I’m grateful.” the late Mian Siddique Ahmed

So why a little lesson on confidence development?

Do you ever find yourself putting off critical decisions that could have a good impact on your life because you lack social skills and Self-confidence?

You may be well aware of what must be done, yet you cannot overcome your fear. There is nothing to be ashamed about, to start with. Actually, the majority of people experience some degree of Self-confidence issues, and I once did as well. The good news is that having Self-confidence is simply a talent that can be acquired.

In this course, you’ll learn some of my top techniques for gaining Self-confidence. The best part of this course is that you can finish it in just 40 minutes, and the majority of the tactics I cover can be used right immediately. There is no doubt about the results.

So feel free to look through the course offerings and enroll right away if you like what you see.

The following are some of the things you are about to learn:

  • How can you increase your Self-confidence by becoming more self-aware?
  • How to overcome the fear of being rejected?
  • How can you project confidence and feel at ease in your own skin?
  • How can one eliminate negative self-talk?
  • What to do with routine social interactions?
  • How Gratitude Exercises Can Increase Your Confidence?
  • Adopt a potent counterintuitive approach to develop your Self-confidence while remaining true to yourself.
  • One of the most effective activities for increasing self-assurance and respect.

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who desires to boost their Self-confidence
  • Those that desire to develop their social abilities


  • An Open Mind
  • Willingness to Implement the Strategies Outlined in the Course.

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