Internet Security: A Hands-on Approach

October 25, 2022
Updated 2022/10/25 at 1:19 PM
3 Min Read

Network security, attacks on ARP, TCP/IP, DNS, & BGP protocols; Sniffing/Spoofing; Firewall; VPN; How the Internet works. Internet security is a subset of computer security. It includes network security as it pertains to other apps or operating systems as a whole, as well as Internet security, browser security, website security, and network security. Its goal is to set guidelines and safeguards against online attacks.

What you’ll learn

  • Learn about the history of network attacks and their technological specifics.
  • Learn how the TCP/IP protocols and the Internet operate.
  • Recognize the Internet security course issues with the TCP/IP protocols’ development and implementation.
  • Learn how to defend against attacks using ethical hacking techniques.
  • Through 11 labs (SEED Labs) created by the instructor, gain practical experience.
  • Use C or Python to implement firewall, VPN, sniffer, spoofing, and different network security technologies.


From Morris worm to Mitnick attack, from Mafia boy to Kaminsky attack, YouTube hijacking by Pakistan to Syria’s Internet shutdown—these are only a few examples.

The number of online attacks is really high. This Internet security course is for you if you want to learn how the Internet functions, how it may be connected, and more significantly, how you can stop these attacks.

In this course, we will thoroughly examine each layer of the TCP/IP protocols, talk about the flaws in its conception and execution, and show how to take use of these flaws in attacks.

This course covers many famous attacks in great technical detail. In order for you to truly comprehend how things function, the Internet security course will go beyond simply imparting high-level notions and theories. Instead, it will go deeply into the fundamentals and low-level technical specifics.

This Internet security course emphasizes on Practical learning. Students learn not just how each attack theoretically functions, but also how to carry out the attack in a controlled virtual machine environment. Over 1000 institutes throughout the world use the instructor-developed practical learning activities, known as SEED laboratories. The instructor’s textbook serves as the foundation for the Internet security course.

Over 210 universities and colleges throughout the world have taken the book “Computer & Internet Security Course: A Hands-on Approach, 2nd Edition” as their own.

Who this course is for?

  • Any student with a stake in ethical hacking
  • Someone interested in understanding how the Internet functions
  • Anyone curious in how to attack a website on the internet
  • Students that are interested in studying network security theories and techniques
  • Computer science, computer engineering, and IT-related graduate students and upper division undergraduates


  • Posses the basic knowledge of programming.
  • Become familiar with fundamental operating system concepts including process, memory, kernel, etc.

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