Game Asset Crash Course – 3D Modeling in Blender and 3D-Coat

September 6, 2022
Updated 2022/09/06 at 12:37 PM
4 Min Read
Game Asset Crash Course
Game Asset Crash Course

Get up to speed on the techniques and pipelines used to create high-quality, AAA-ready game assets! This online Game Asset Crash Course will teach you how to use Blender and 3D-Learn 3D modeling, texturing and rendering with Blender and 3D-Coat by creating AAA-ready game assets.

What you’ll learn

  • Create a useful, real-world game component with Blender 3D modeling that you can use in your own works or develop into other game assets.
  • Make great, AAA game assets by using the precise tools and methods of the required software.
  • By rapidly and effectively producing your own 3D models, you may save time and money.
  • The best 3D tool in the world for producing stunning gaming assets is Blender. Learn 3D modeling, texturing, rendering, and exporting using Blender.


  • Students who wish to participate in the project should have Blender installed on their computers. At the time of this recording, we’ll be utilizing the most recent version, although the tools and procedures are essentially the same for older versions.


Blender 2.8 has been upgraded for this Game Asset Crash Course. Learn the methods and pipelines used to produce assets for games that are of a high standard and suited for AAA!

You will learn how to use Blender and 3D-Coat to make a PRACTICAL REAL-WORLD project for your game asset ideas in this online Game Asset Crash Course 

  • Do not even know where to start while learning 3D modeling, texturing, and rendering?
  • Have you devoted time and effort to searching for Blender tutorials online only to discover that they never address your specific needs?
  • Are your 3D renders bland and uninteresting, and are you interested in learning how to improve your 3D models?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you’re in the right place! 

I am aware that it might be annoying to see other people upload stunning game assets and render them on the internet while perpetually envious of how they accomplished it. You might search online for hours or even days before you locate the proper guide for recreating a 3D item. Even yet, they frequently do not cover the entire pipeline from beginning to end.

That’s why we created this course – to teach people just like you how to easily get started with Blender.

You are the focus of this Game Asset Crash Course, and we’ve created a method that lets you learn exactly the information you need, only when you need it.

Have fun while learning! Learn by actually doing!

You will be guided through a comprehensive project that demonstrates how to recreate a 3D game component from scratch after you enroll in this Game Asset Crash Course.  Follow along and put everything you learn into practice!

Downloadable project files make it easy to follow along and practice.

The nicest thing about such training is that you won’t waste time learning Blender features and tools that you won’t ever use. Most courses will inform you about each and every component of the software, which most people find intimidating. As you use the tools, Game Asset Crash Course – 3D Modeling in Blender and 3D-Coat will demonstrate how to use each one.

This course will cover every aspect of:

  1. The Interface of Blender and 3D-Coat, and How to Use It
  2. Your First 3D Game Asset: 3D Modeling
  3. Understanding how UVs operate and how to unwrap them
  4. Understanding Normals and Adding Textures to Your Model
  5. Using intelligent materials to texture your game assets
  6. Exporting Your Model to the Leading Game Engine, Unity plus a lot more!

This Game Asset Crash Course is for you if you want to make game assets for pleasure or if you work in a production studio and need this information now. We are here to make sure you are successful in your endeavors and will walk you through every step of the process. We are always available to respond to your messages, conversation inquiries, or criticism.

Get a Certificate of Completion when you finish the course!

With our 30-Day 100% money-back guarantee, there’s no reason to hesitate!

Who this course is for:

  • This course is geared toward anyone who wants to learn how to use Blender as well as the basics of 3D modeling, texturing, rendering, and exporting to a game engine.
  • Prior knowledge of Blender will really help out, though students who are beginners and follow along carefully can learn Blender rather quickly as we cover the basic aspects of using the software.
  • Anyone who is looking for a complete Blender course that explains every tool and facet of the application should not take this course. This is a course that provides a practical project for 3D artists in real-world settings, so not every tool and function will be explained.

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