SEO Training Course: Complete SEO Training + SEO for WordPress Websites

September 15, 2022
Updated 2022/09/15 at 4:17 PM
16 Min Read

Regarding this SEO Training Course,Learn about search engine algorithms and how they impact websites’ organic search results.

This SEO training course is the online marketing education you need to be found on Google and drive more visitors to your website. Get the SEO skills you need to improve your website’s search ranking and drive more traffic. Reach to the top of Google search

What you’ll learn

  • Get a complete understanding of how search engines work
  • Keyword research – Learn what your potential customers are searching for
  • Competitor Analysis – Know how your competitors are ranking
  • Technical SEO – Learn what the search engines look for on your site
  • Core web vitals – Learn what your website needs to be healthy
  • PageSpeed SEO – Learn how to make your pages load quickly
  • Submit your sitemap to Google and make it easier for search engines to crawl and index your site
  • Become an SEO expert and learn how to create backlinks and drive traffic to your website
  • User Experience SEO – Learn how to improve your website’s user experience to get better rankings
  • Get rid of Negative SEO and stop worrying


  • You need a website (preferably WordPress) to create content and optimize it for SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  • You may need to sign up for free trial accounts in premium online SEO tools

Description For SEO Training Course

Assuming you’re similar to most business visionaries, you grasp the significance of Website design enhancement yet might not have the opportunity or assets to do it without anyone else’s help.

You might have attempted to gain from online articles and instructional exercises, yet thought that they are confounding and baffling. Or on the other hand, perhaps you’ve recruited somebody to assist with your Website optimization, just to be disheartened with the outcomes.

Our SEO Training Course was planned considering occupied business visionaries. Toward the finish of this course, you’ll have every one of the instruments and information you really want to begin getting results.

SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization”. It is a drawn-out showcasing system utilized to work on a site’s perceivability and natural query items in google and other worldwide web crawlers. It’s an interaction utilized by website admins to expand their webpage’s permeability and natural traffic from web search tools.

A definitive SEO is to rank well for pertinent catchphrases and expressions that your potential clients could utilize while looking for a systematic yours.

SEO starts with recognizing the right Keywords and expressions for your business. You’ll need to target watchwords that are pertinent to your items and administrations, and have sufficient pursuit volume to be worth the objective.

Whenever you’ve chosen your keywords, you’ll have to optimize your site and content around them to work on your possibilities positioning great.

There are various different variables that impact how well your site positions in web search tools, including the nature of your connections, the age of your space name, and the general power of your webpage.

By positioning higher in look, organizations can draw in additional guests who are probably going to change over into clients. Also, higher traffic levels normally lead to expanded income.

Google routinely refreshes its calculation, and accordingly, SEO experts and entrepreneurs should ceaselessly refresh their strategies to keep their sites and organizations positioned high. While there are many variables that go into positioning a site, some are a higher priority than others.

Different SEO specialists have various suppositions on what works and what doesn’t with regards to upgrading a site for web search tools. Some might find actual success with one methodology and not so fruitful with another.

That is the reason this SEO Training Course does not simply show you what I know and what my experience is. This whole SEO Training Course depends on an examination of SERPs (Web search tool result pages) gathered from 10,000 catchphrases for the initial 3 inquiry pages ie.. top 30 list items.

This SEO Training Course takes the growing experience of Website design enhancement in the accompanying way:

Introduction to SEO

At the point when somebody needs to find something on the web, they utilize a web search tool. Yet, what are these secretive animals, and how would they work?

We’ll investigate what web search tools are, the means by which they work, and a portion of the issues they face.

Competitor Analysis and Keyword Research

While beginning another business, it is critical to do all necessary investigations to figure out who your rivals are and what watchwords you ought to target.

This will assist you with understanding what you really want to do to draw in clients to your business. To do a legitimate contender investigation, you want to check the accompanying:

  • Your top rivals and how they are situating themselves on the lookout
  • The catchphrases they are focusing on
  • What advertising channels they are utilizing
  • How much traffic they are getting from each channel
  • What their site resembles
  • What sort of satisfied they are distributing
  • How well they are changing over traffic into clients

Whenever you have accumulated this data, you can begin making a strategy for yourself. You might find that you want to change your marking or informing to separate yourself from the opposition.

On-Page optimization

Streamlining your substance for SEO On-Page optimization is the act of streamlining a website page or site for Google web search tool positioning.

It incorporates working on the permeability of a site or website page in web search tool results pages (SERPs) and expanding the number and nature of guests to a site or site page from web crawlers.


On-Page optimization for the most part alludes to enhancing components on a site page that are inside the control of the website admin, including title labels, meta portrayals, header labels, anchor text, and so on.

Technical SEO

In the realm of Web optimization, specialized Web optimization is the act of enhancing a site’s design and back-end so it is consistence with Google’s Website admin Rules.

This can include anything from guaranteeing that your site is appropriately recorded and crawlable to ensuring that your site’s code is spotless and proficient.

Specialized Web optimization is a significant piece of any thorough Web optimization methodology, and it ought to be one of your first concerns assuming you’re hoping to further develop your site’s web crawler rankings.

Core web vitals

Core web vitals are comprised of three explicit page speed and client communication estimations: biggest contentful paint, first info delay, and total format shift.

Biggest Contentful paint is a term utilized in web improvement to portray the most common way of stacking all the substance for a site page before the page is shown to the client.

This incorporates pictures, text, and different information that makes up the total page. Stacking this substance without a moment’s delay can be a tedious interaction, such countless designers attempt to limit it by stacking just the fundamental substance first.

The objective is to make a “completely stacked” or “contentful” page as fast as conceivable so the client doesn’t need to stand by lengthy for anything to show up.

First Information delay (FID) is a metric that actions the time it takes for a client to collaborate with your page as a matter of fact.

FID can be utilized to quantify the viability of your page plan and how rapidly a client can follow through with their ideal job.

There are various variables that can influence input delay, including the kind of gadget being utilized, the nature of the web association, and the size and intricacy of the page.

Decreasing info delay is significant in light of the fact that it can further develop client fulfillment and urge clients to get back to your site.

Total Design Shift (CLS) is a proportion of this dependability. It’s determined by contrasting the place of every component on the page against its unique area. The lower the score, the more steady the design.

There are multiple ways of further developing CLS, including utilizing more modest pictures and text styles and decreasing the number of components on the page. Moreover, you can utilize CSS to control the situating of components on the page.

PageSpeed SEO

Google has been discussing speed for a really long time. It’s a critical piece of the organization’s calculation, and it’s something that website admins and webpage proprietors need to zero in on assuming that they believe their locales should rank well. Yet, what’s the significance here for you? Also, more significantly, how might you accelerate your site?

We’ll investigate Google’s page speed calculation, and we’ll examine a few different ways that you can work on your site’s presentation. We’ll likewise discuss what page speed can mean for your Web optimization and how you can utilize it for your potential benefit.

Sitemap and Google search console

Assuming that you’re running a site, it’s essential to ensure that it’s noticeable to however many individuals as would be prudent. One method for doing this is by presenting your sitemap to find out about the search console.

A sitemap is a document that contains a rundown of the relative multitude of pages on your site. This page can be useful for the two clients and web indexes.

Your sitemap can assist clients with tracking down their strategy for getting around your site, and it can assist with looking through motors find and file your pages.

Demystifying backlinks SEO

In the realm of Website optimization, backlinks are quite possibly the most sought-after items.

In any case, what are they, precisely? What advantage do they give to sites? Furthermore, how might you approach getting them? In this segment, We demystify backlinks and their part in Web optimization.

Backlinks are joins from different sites that highlight your site. They’re a significant component in Search engine optimization since they help to work on your site’s position and validity. Moreover, they can likewise assist with expanding traffic to your site.

There are various approaches to acquiring backlinks, yet the best methodology is to make top-notch content that others will need to connect to. You can likewise connect with different sites and request that they connect to your substance.

User experience SEO

User experience SEO (UX) is the most common way of upgrading consumer loyalty and dependability by working on the convenience, usability, and joy given in the cooperation between the client and the item.

UX Experience Search engine optimization is a strategy for further developing site convenience, expanding change rates, diminishing relinquishment rates, and for the most part making sites easier to understand.

It’s not just about doing right by things – it’s tied in with ensuring that clients can find what they are searching for rapidly and effectively, with practically no disappointment or disarray.

Great UX configuration makes involving a site a positive encounter for clients, which thusly urges them to return again from now on.

Negative SEO

Negative SEO can be a central issue for site proprietors, as it can make your website’s web crawler rankings dive. In any case, there are ways of safeguarding your site from negative Search engine optimization and guaranteeing that your rankings stay high.

One method for doing this is to utilize a repudiate instrument to tell Google not to count any terrible connections highlighting your site. You can likewise work on your site’s security and ensure that it is very much enhanced for web search tools. Here are a few tributes from the understudies of this Website optimization 2022 Instructional class:

According to danial Ashrafi, “For Novices, it is 1,000 time preferred course over others”

According to pillar Co, “His substance is very top notch and I would agree of high incentive for individuals searching for a 10,000-foot view outline to get everything rolling”

According to Aravind Computerization Designer, “Fantastic and exceptionally clear clarification on Search engine optimization center focuses. Instructed..”According to Abhishek Bamotra, “Straightforward and best Website optimization guide.

Who this SEO Training Course is for:

  • For those, who want to build their career in SEO, who already has a career in SEO
  • For businesses, which have a website
  • For those, who is working in an SEO agency or who runs an SEO agency
  • For those, who work as / who wants to work as SEO Analysts, SEO Specialist, SEO Manager, SEO Consultant
  • For those involved in Digital Marketing, and specialize in search engine optimization

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