WordPress Website; Themes, Plugings and Accessibility

YAIOA September 9, 2022
Updated 2022/09/12 at 3:13 PM
7 Min Read
WordPress Website
WordPress Website

A PHP-based MySQL or MariaDB database is used with WordPress website(WP, WordPress.org), a free and open-source content management system (CMS), which also supports HTTPS. Plugin architecture and a template system, known as Themes in WordPress, are features. WordPress was developed as a blog publishing platform initially, but it has since expanded to include other forms of web content, such as more conventional mailing lists and forums, media galleries, membership websites, learning management systems (LMS), and online shops. As of October 2021, 42.8% of the top 10 million websites utilized WordPress, one of the most widely used content management system options.

As a fork of b2/cafelog, WordPress website was published on May 27, 2003, by its creators, American developer Matt Mullenweg and English developer Mike Little. The program is distributed under a GPLv2 (or later) license.

WordPress website must be installed on a web server for it to work, either as a component of an Internet hosting service like WordPress.com or on a computer running the WordPress.org software package to act as a network host on its own.

Single-user testing and educational purposes can be accomplished on a local PC.

WordPress, the WordPress website project, and all associated trademarks are owned by the WordPress Foundation.

WordPress website saves information and allows users to develop and publish webpages, requiring nothing more than a domain and hosting service. This fundamental comparison was created to help explain how WordPress works.

WordPress uses a template processor in its web template system. It has a front controller design that routes all requests for URIs that aren’t static to a single PHP file that parses the URI and determines the target page. This enables support for permalinks that are more readable by humans.



Users of WordPress may install and switch between a wide variety of themes. Themes let users modify a WordPress website’s appearance and features without changing the site’s fundamental code or content. There must be at least one theme on every WordPress website. Themes may be installed directly using the dashboard’s “Appearance” administrative feature for WordPress or by copying theme directories into the themes directory. WordPress themes are often divided into two groups: premium and free. The WordPress theme repository usually referred to as the directory, has a large number of free themes, while marketplaces and individual WordPress developers sell premium themes as well. Users of WordPress websites may also design and develop their own original themes.


Users can increase the features and usefulness of a website or blog by using the plugin architecture of WordPress. WordPress.org has 59,756 plugins accessible as of December 2021, each of which offers unique features and functionalities that allow users to modify their websites to suit their own requirements. There are around 1,500+ premium plugins available, although this excludes those that might not be included in the WordPress.org repository. These adjustments include anything from search engine optimization (SEO) to client portals that show logged-in users’ private information, to content management systems, to features for presenting material, such as the addition of widgets and navigation bars.

It’s possible that any or all of the available plugins will not work properly or at all if they are not always up to date with the updates. Most plugins may be found on WordPress website itself, either by downloading and manually uploading the files via FTP or by using the WordPress dashboard. However, a lot of third parties provide plugins through their own websites, and many of them are premium packages.

As of Version 5.7 in 2021, WordPress website has over 2,000 hooks, which are separated into two categories: action hooks and filter hooks. Web developers who want to create plugins should get familiar with this framework.

Additionally, plugins represent a method of development that, with the help of programmers’ vision and ingenuity, may turn WordPress into a variety of software platforms and applications. Custom plugins are used to apply them to build non-website systems like headless WordPress apps and Software as a Service (SaaS) offerings.

Hackers may also utilize plugins to target WordPress-powered websites since they can do so more easily than they can with WordPress website itself by taking advantage of vulnerabilities in the plugins.

Mobile applications

WordPress website mobile applications are available for WebOS, Android, iOS, Windows Phone, and BlackBerry. These apps, created by Automattic, include features like the ability to upload new blog posts and pages, comment, moderate comments, and react to comments in addition to the metrics feature.



The WordPress website accessibility Team has worked to increase core WordPress’s accessibility and support an easy way to identify accessible themes. The WordPress Accessibility Team offers ongoing guidance on inclusive design and web accessibility. All new or modified code released in WordPress must comply with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 at level AA, according to the WordPress Accessibility Coding Standards.


Other features

Additionally, WordPress website has built-in link management, a clean, search engine-friendly permalink structure, the capacity to categorize posts in different ways, and support for post tagging. Additionally, automatic filters that provide consistent text formatting and appearance for postings are incorporated (for instance, transforming normal quotations into smart quotes). WordPress furthermore complies with the Trackback and Pingback specifications for showing links to websites that have linked to a post or an article. Editing WordPress articles is possible via HTML, the visual editor, or by utilizing one of the many plugins that offer a wide range of specialized editing options.

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