Sites Like HackerRank- Free & Paid Sites like HackerRank

September 17, 2022
Updated 2022/09/17 at 1:26 PM
5 Min Read
Sites Like HackerRank
Sites Like HackerRank

Sites Like HackerRank (which specializes in programming competitions for both individuals and companies.

Competitors write programs to the stated specifications in order to win. The programming challenges on HackerRank cover a wide range of computer scientific disciplines and can be completed in a number of programming languages, including Java, C++, PHP, Python, SQL, and JavaScript.

The majority of programming challenges on HackerRank are divided into several key computer science fields, such as database administration, mathematics, and artificial intelligence, among other topics.

The accuracy of the output is evaluated when a programmer submits a solution to a programming challenge. In order to encourage user competitiveness, programmers are then ranked globally on the HackerRank scoreboard and awarded badges for their accomplishments.

Along with hosting individual coding challenges, sites like hackerank-also organize competitions (commonly referred to as “CodeSprints”) in which participants compete on the same programming problems over the course of a specified amount of time and are ranked at the end of the event.

The expanding gamification trend in competitive computer programming is represented by HackerRank.Coders can use the consumer-facing portion of their website for nothing.

Over 2600 firms worldwide use the technology hiring site HackerRank as their benchmark for evaluating developer talents. Sites like hackerrank- enable tech recruiters and hiring managers to impartially assess talent at every level of the recruiting process, assisting businesses in finding qualified engineers and accelerating innovation.

In terms of evaluating developers’ technical aptitude, HackerRank is the best. Someone worldwide will finish one of our assessments every 8 seconds. With 16 million developers in our network and over 170 million data points on technical skill evaluations, HackerRank is well-positioned to revolutionize the matching of developers and employers.


Vivek Ravisankar and Hari Karunanidhi, two graduates of NIT Trichy, started HackerRank as InterviewStreet Inc.

The first Indian business to be admitted into Y Combinator was HackerRank, a company funded by the venture capital firm.
They took part in TechCrunch Disrupt in 2012 as well, and Khosla Ventures and Battery Ventures are presently funding them with venture money.


HackerRank received $7.5 million from the HR technology fund of the Japanese company Recruit Holdings in July 2015.
HackerRank announced on February 13, 2018, that they had secured $30 million in Series C funding, sponsored by JMI Equity.


Mimir, a cloud-based platform that offers tools for teaching computer science courses, was purchased by HackerRank in December 2019.
Google as well as some universities, such as Michigan State, UCLA, Oregon State, and Purdue, use Mimir. The company’s initial acquisition is Mimir.

HackerRank For Work

A subscription service called HackerRank for Work, an enterprise-focused solution seeks to assist businesses in finding, vetting, and hiring engineers and other technical positions.

The product’s goal is to make it easier for technical recruiters to assess candidates’ suitability for a position by using programming challenges to test candidates’ unique programming skills. Once a candidate submits a challenge, it is automatically scored, and the findings are then given to the technical recruiter to review.

As a tool for businesses to find technical candidates, sites like hackerRank- also organize programming hackathons known as CodeSprints.Customers of HackerRank include Amazon, Quora, and Yahoo!

Sites Like HackerRank

Here is a list of view sites like Hackerrank that you can Always follow


These are all the websites similar to Hackerrank that you can visit right now. People may prefer alternatives to Hackerrank for a variety of reasons, including cost, subpar customer support, or a negative site experience.

Whatever the situation, we’ve put together a list of websites like HackerRank that you might want to check out today.

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