Sites Like Gitlab- Top Alternatives sites like GitLab

September 16, 2022
Updated 2022/09/16 at 6:21 PM
9 Min Read
sites like GitLab
sites like GitLab

We will be guiding you through the list of sites like GitLab But before then let’s tell you about GitLab.Gitlab is a DevOps software package that integrates the capacity to develop, secure, and operate software in a single application, offered by GitLab Inc., an open-core business.  The open-source software project was started by Dutch developer Sytse Sijbrandij and Ukrainian developer Dmitriy Zaporozhets. 

In 2018, GitLab Inc. was regarded as the first unicorn that was partially Ukrainian 2018.  GitLab has placed a strong emphasis on remote work since it was founded.

The largest entirely remote firm in the world is GitLab.One million of GitLab’s estimated 30 million registered users are licensed users.

Site Overview

The GitLab software project served as the foundation for the establishment of GitLab Inc. It is a limited liability company that Sytse Sijbrandij and Dmytro Zaporozhets formally established in 2014. GitLab Inc. offers both a subscription service and a freemium model for GitLab Inc. has always been a completely remote business.

There are now 65 countries and locations where GitLab Inc. has employees. As of 2019, Gitlab policy prohibited political conversations in the workplace and did not conduct customer vetting outside of situations where it was mandated by law.


The business raised an extra $1.5 million in startup money after graduating from the Winter 2015 batch of the Y Combinator seed accelerator program.

As of 2015, clients included IBM and Alibaba Group. GitLab Inc. received $4 million in Series A investment from Khosla Ventures in September 2015.

GitLab Inc. received $20 million in Series B fundraising in September 2016 from August Capital and other investors. In the wake of a cyberattack in January 2017, a database administrator unintentionally wiped the production database, resulting in the loss of a sizable amount of issue and merge request data. On YouTube, the healing process was shown in real-time.

GitLab Inc. received $20 million in Series C funding from GV and others in October of that same year. To make the process of creating a new cluster to deploy apps easier, GitLab Inc. announced cooperation with Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) in April 2018.

GNOME, which has over 400 projects and 900 contributors, switched to GitLab in May 2018. GitLab Inc. began work on Meltano’s development on August 1st, 2018.

Due to restrictions issued by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the United States, GitLab Inc. switched from Microsoft Azure to Google Cloud Platform on August 11, 2018, rendering the service unavailable to customers in the following countries: Crimea, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, and Syria.

To solve this problem, Framasoft, a non-profit company, offers a Debian mirror to make GitLab CE available in these nations.

GitLab Inc. raised $100 million in a Series D round of fundraising on September 19, 2018, with ICONIQ Capital as the lead investor.

GitLab Inc. raised $268 million in Series E-round fundraising in 2019, which was led by Goldman Sachs and ICONIQ Capital. This was done a year later in 2018. The corporation was worth $2.7 billion at the time.

OMERS took part in a secondary share investment in GitLab Inc. in 2021. In order to help businesses create all-remote work cultures during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, GitLab Inc. released its Guide to All-Remote and a Coursera course on remote management.

April 2020 saw the expansion of GitLab Inc. into the Australian and Japanese markets. In November of that same year, GitLab Inc. was valued at more than $6 billion in a secondary market evaluation. [37]

On June 2, 2021, GitLab Inc. also acquired UnReview, a tool that automates software review cycles. On June 30, 2021, GitLab Inc. spun out Meltano, an open-source ELT platform.

On March 18, 2021, GitLab Inc. licensed its technology to the Chinese company Jitsu. On July 23, 2021, GitLab Inc. open-sourced Package Hunter, a Falco-based tool that detects malicious code.

On November 2021, GitLab and Comet ML partnered by leveraging GitLab’s CI/CD pipelines and Comet ML’s Experiment Management capabilities to create a model development workflow that enables better collaborations between Application Teams and Machine Learning Teams.

On August 4, 2022, it became known that Gitlab plans to change its Data Retention Policy and automatically delete inactive repositories that have not been modified for a year. With this, Gitlab drew criticism from the open-source community.

Shortly after, it was announced that dormant projects would not be deleted, and would instead remain accessible in an archived state, potentially using a slower type of storage.


In relation to the planned initial public offering of its Class A common shares, GitLab Inc. publicly filed a registration statement on Form S-1 with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on September 17, 2021. In October, the company started trading on the NASDAQ Global Select Market with the symbol “GTLB.”


GitLab Inc. announced the acquisition of Gitter on March 15, 2017. The intention to keep Gitter as a stand-alone project was expressed in the announcement. Additionally, GitLab Inc. declared that by June 2017, the code would be made available as open-source under the MIT License. [50]

GitLab Inc. purchased Gitorious, a rival Git hosting service, in March 2015.
At the time, Gitorious had about 822,000 registered users. Gitorious’s service was discontinued in June 2015 after users were urged to switch to GitLab.

GitLab Inc. purchased Gemnasium, a service that alerted security scanners to known security flaws in open-source libraries written in a variety of languages, in January 2018.

On May 15, the service was supposed to end completely. Features and technologies from Gemnasium were incorporated into GitLab EE and CI/CD

GitLab Inc. purchased Fuzzit and Peach Tech on June 11, 2020, two security software companies that specialize in protocol fuzz testing.

GitLab Inc. announced on December 14, 2021, that it has purchased Opstrace, Inc. An open-source observability distribution.


The issue tracker is offered in a community edition that is free. The GitLab application provides tools for jointly designing, developing, securing, and deploying software as a full-featured DevOps Platform. GitLab is scalable and may be installed locally or in the cloud. Additionally, it has tools for a wiki, issue-tracking, an IDE, and a CI/CD pipeline. Like GitHub GitLab provides a free GitLab Pages product for hosting static websites, and with version 12.1, Let’s Encrypt for HTTPS support is optional.

Gitlab Site Navigation

Sites Like Gitlab


Those are lists of all sites like GitLab that you can visit right now.  People may prefer alternatives to sites like GitLab for a variety of reasons, including cost, subpar customer support, or a negative site experience. Whatever the situation, we’ve compiled a list of sites like GitLab that you might want to check out today.

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