Copywriting Course- Become a Freelance Copywriter, your own boss

September 1, 2022
Updated 2022/09/02 at 2:16 PM
3 Min Read
copywriting course
copywriting course

You must participate in a copywriting course if you want to become a proficient copywriter. Writing text for marketing or other forms of advertising is known as copywriting, and it is both a hobby and a job. The product’s ultimate objective, also known as copy or sales copy, is to persuade an individual or group of individuals to take a particular action via increasing brand recognition. If you decide to start a freelance writing career, this copywriting course will help you develop the skills necessary to become a good copywriter and earn money from your writing abilities.

What you’ll learn

  • Part one – everything you need for a fast-track start, including your first article
  • Part two – the copywriter’s ‘how to: sales copy, expert copy, and more!
  • Part three – the essential skills that mark out a real pro
  • Part four – how to boost your income and turn your new website into a money magnet


  • None


If you sign up for our copywriting course, you can launch a new career as a freelance copywriter. Imagine being able to make a solid living without having to worry about commuting. Once you’ve completed the copywriting course, work for yourself.

You can begin the copywriting course with as little as a PC or Mac, a broadband connection, a desire to become a copywriter, and a little bit of flair. 

All of it might materialize in three months. You’ll write effective copy and earn cool money.

“After just a few months I am writing sales copy for a huge experiential company, as well as technical copy for a well-respected tech-industry publication and building websites for small businesses.” Martin Brennan.

It’s not a jumped-up list of “helpful phrases,” unlike so many other manuals on the subject. 

It won’t provide you with advice on how to become a millionaire over night.Instead, it is a special, in-depth, step-by-step guide to starting from scratch as a successful freelance copywriter working from home. 

You will learn the principles and the essentials of copywriting in this course.

Step by step

If you follow each step, you can earn between £300 ($450) and £500 ($750) every day, depending on your level of experience. Not exactly a quick way to get rich, but nonetheless a pretty good income. Particularly for someone who is their own boss, has low expenses, doesn’t need to commute, and gets to decide how much or how little work they take on. 

Since my website has been up for a while, I receive more work than I can handle and must turn it down. If you want to become a successful copywriter, you must give the copywriting course your complete attention

Is it possible?
Sure, and in this guide, I will show you – in detail – everything you need to know. Things like:
• How to begin from scratch and quickly build a portfolio
• How to find clients – fast
• How to market yourself
• How to build a copywriter website in just five days – for free
• How to find the most profitable projects and drop the rest
• How much to charge

In fact, I will even share my killer ‘terms and conditions that enable me to close more businesses at higher prices. I will:

• Introduce you to the jargon – no getting caught out as a beginner
• Show how to walk your clients through a brief, how to research topics, how to write for print, and how to write for the web
• We will look at different writing styles (or ‘tone of voice’ as the marketing people call it).
• I will teach you questioning techniques for telephone interviews (I do all my work over the net and by phone) and show you some clever, low-cost phone recording kit and transcription software so that you won’t even have to take notes
• Plus lots of tricks of the trade that save valuable time and mark you out as a real pro

And give you stacks of links to real samples of different types of copy, templates, tick lists, and so on, plus more detailed descriptions of some of the topics covered in this book (build your own free library). In fact, everything you need to get started with confidence.

Who is this course for?

  • Anyone
  • wanting a new career.
  • want to work from home and be their own boss.
  • wanting an extra revenue stream
  • wanting the freedom of being a freelancer


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