Basic Food Photography Course: Learn how to take delicious food photos from scratch

September 13, 2022
Updated 2022/09/13 at 11:41 AM
8 Min Read

Whether you’re a fledgling searching for a basic food photography course, or you’re an accomplished picture photographer hoping to master new abilities, these instructional exercises will serve as a guide for you in so many ways once you click on the start button below to start learning this course.

What you’ll learn

  • How to tell a powerful and engaging story through food photos.
  • How to style your food in ways that are aesthetically appealing to the camera.
  • How to create dynamic lighting setups that make food scenes look stunning.
  • How to create and use a variety of surfaces that create dramatic backdrops for your pictures.
  • How to use props & accents that add depth and complete your scenes.
  • How to choose the type of camera that meets your food photography needs.
  • How to take stunning food photos on a smartphone.
  • How to frame your shots with the perfect composition for food photography.
  • How to conduct a successful food photo shoot from start to finish.
  • How to adjust the essential editing effects that make your food photos look more stunning and realistic.
  • How to use Adobe Lightroom to create an efficient workflow and apply key editing effects.
  • How to export and share your photos with the right dimensions and quality settings.
  • How to use social media as a food photographer in ways that gain recognition for your pictures.


  • The data in this basic food photography course is intended to apply similarly to all degrees of hardware. Whether you’re utilizing an iPhone or a favorable to even out DSLR, you’ll in any case get the most extreme worth from this course.
  • A camera. Any category of a camera (camera phone, point & shoot, or DSLR) will work for this course.
  • Adobe Lightroom 4+ for Macintosh or PC is proposed. The altering part of this course presents Lightroom. On the off chance that you don’t have this product, the course gives data on getting a free preliminary.

The Basic Food Photography Course Description

[New Refreshed Talks for 2020! [Counting an all-new straight-on correlation between cell phone versus “master camera” food photos.]

With the basic food photography course, you can rapidly figure out how to take shocking food photographs regardless of whether you’ve never gotten a camera or never styled a plate of food!

Because of virtual entertainment, food photography is presently nothing to joke about. Locales like Instagram and Pinterest make it easier than at any other time to take pictures of food and offer them to a large number of watchers. In any case, getting your photos seen requires far more than just a very much-created depiction…

The issue is that food photography is exceptionally difficult in light of the fact that it requests the ideal equilibrium of creative and specialized abilities.

An extraordinary food photographer knows how to combine the specialized abilities to take very good pictures with the creative abilities to style dazzling food scenes.

That is the objective of Fundamental Food Photography—this 27-illustration video course winds around the workmanship and the innovation behind food photography that you can try.

The abilities you advance here will assist you with taking dazzling photographs from beginning to end, wherever you are, with any camera.

 Specifically, Basic Food Photography Course will teach you these core skills: 

  • Food Storytelling – Learn to give the power of your pictures by telling a delicious story through the food and the scene.
  • Food Styling – If the food looks unappealing, so will the photos. Learn to style your food in ways that are photogenic to create stunning pictures.
  • Scene Composition – Compose beautiful and structured food scenes that make the best use of lighting, surfaces, accents, and more.
  • Photo Shooting – Learn how to get the most from your equipment (from iPhone to DSLR) to take gorgeous, well-composed food photos every time.
  • Image Processing – The goal of any food photo is to make it look realistic. This can be enhanced with a few key editing effects that you’ll learn how to apply.
  • Sharing – Gain recognition for your work by applying techniques that engage the social web around the delicious photos you’ve learned how to create.

In this basic food photography course, I’m sharing all the photography strategies that have assisted my food with writing for a blog that has developed to north of 125,000 month-to-month views in under a year.

Whether you need to begin a food blog, or just offer seriously remunerating food photographs with companions, Fundamental Food Photography is intended to give you the certainty you want to take shocking food photographs that get taken note of.

Besides over 5.5 long periods of viable, involved guidance, the basic food photography course incorporates a printable 17-page “cheat sheet” with central issues that you can reference endlessly and time again to make your photo shoots more fruitful.

This unique Udemy stage additionally gives you direct admittance to me where I can offer you customized guidance and criticism en route.

In a little more than 5 hours of examples, you will acquire the abilities and certainty to shoot seriously remunerating food photographs that you can be pleased to impart to other people. I can hardly hold on to see the astonishing pictures you will take!

Andrew Olson
Photographer & Recipe Developer,
One Ingredient Chef

Ready to get started? 

  1. Click the “Take This Course” button above
  2. Enter your details and click “Confirm Purchase”
  3. You’ll have instant access to all the information in this course

The basic food photography course accompanies a 30-day unconditional promise. Join today and look at all the materials.

In the event that it doesn’t assist you with taking shocking food photographs in 30 days, you’ll have a fair amount of money returned.

No inquiries were posed. Feel free to tap the “Take This Course” button now – there’s definitely no gamble. 

Who the Basic Food Photography Course is for:

  • Any individual who needs to foster the expertise of taking flavorful food photographs—be it beginners searching for a prologue to photography, or experienced photographic artists needing to become familiar with the particulars of working with food.

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