Architecture and Real Estate Photography Course: A Complete Guide for Beginners and Pro’s

September 13, 2022
Updated 2022/09/13 at 3:42 PM
19 Min Read

With the architecture and real estate photography course, you will figure out how to shoot Business Properties, Land, Engineering, and Insides.

Cover every one of the significant parts of arranging your shoots start a business photographing real estate photography jobs for architects, builders, and real estate agents

What you’ll learn

  • Learn a variety of techniques to photograph architecture and real estate properties.
  • How to find the best angle, light, and composition
  • How to light with flash or strobe lights
  • How to understand and fix bad color
  • How to achieve perfect interior lighting and exterior lighting
  • How to photograph a room in a house, commercial property, or a hotel


  • An intermediate understanding of photography techniques
  • camera, wide-angle lens, tripod, cable release, or wireless camera trigger.
  • Photoshop is demonstrated throughout the course, and an intermediate understanding is helpful. You do not have to use Photoshop and can use other programs if they will allow the compositing of images.
  • The use of flash or strobes is covered but owning that equipment is not required.

What they are saying:

Hey Charlie,

I have recently followed through with your course and I need to be much obliged. I attempt to be constantly refreshed and do a great deal of web-based preparation. Your course was the best and most complete course I have done on land photography.

Numerous congrats on your course and for your anxiety in moving toward all parts of this subject exhaustively.

Rui Gomes from Portugal

The market for talented photographic artists capturing positions for land and design is colossal. Business is booming in business and private development.

Homebuilders, property chiefs, development organizations, clinics, retirement networks, lodgings, fabricating offices, magazines, and land adventures all need engineering and land photography.

Design insides are one of the most moving subjects to make and light. There are encompassing light issues, a variety of balance issues, and lighting issues.

For the picture taker gifted at shooting quality photography, there is a lot of business capturing homes, land, and business properties for engineers, manufacturers, designers, and realtors.

Whoever you go for, it is all design photography in some structure yet every property will have an exceptional arrangement of difficulties that will direct your visual methodology.

On the off chance that you are wanting to shoot design and land photography, this architecture and real estate photography course is made just for you!

This architecture and real estate photography course is designed for intermediate-through proficient picture takers.

  • You’ll receive a broad overview of:
  • Photographic lighting
  • Learn how to add light to room interiors
  • Compose a strong composition.
  • You will also learn how to see the light quality
  • How to manage highlights and shadows
  • How to choose the right lighting accessory for the scene
  • Why use an umbrella over a lightbox
  • and manage the color of various ambient light sources   

Join grant-winning business picture taker Charlie Borland as he shares his insight in a bit-by-bit way to deal with capturing design properties.

From the architecture and real estate photography course you will figure out how to light the insides without the room looking lit, how to oversee lighting variety balance, how to make within offset flawlessly with the outside, how to find a narrating point, how to manage unfortunate light, how to fix terrible variety, how to work quickly to be more productive, and significantly more

You will figure out how to light when there is no spot to put your lights. Furthermore, we’ll show you the most recent techniques in utilizing Photoshop to upgrade and composite your pictures as well as a total Lightroom-altering video series.

 What’s covered: 

  • The difference between real estate photography and architectural photography
  • How to see light and shadow.
  • The different qualities of light, color balance, and color correction.
  • The best equipment and how it works.
  • HDR for architecture photography
  • Which light best applies to your subject.
  • Lighting color management: How to mix strobe with ambient light.
  • Lighting in offices, manufacturing plants, and home environments.
  • The disappearing lights technique.
  • How to light with strobes and how to light with flash.
  • and how to use Photoshop  and Lightroom to create photos you can’t do in a single capture
  • 15 hours of HD video, practice RAW files, and pdf downloads

What will you learn? 

There are numerous ways of shooting engineering photography and the strategy you pick will be founded on how your pictures will be utilized.

Could it be said that they are for a real estate agent, a home manufacturer, a business engineer, or perhaps a modeler? Contingent upon who you are going for will rely heavily on how you approach photography and this architecture and real estate photography course covers numerous techniques that can be applied to each kind of client.

  • You will learn how to shoot without supplemental light.
  • How to process a basic digital file quickly.
  • How to shoot for HDR.
  • How to process for HDR.
  • How to light a room with strobes.
  • How to deal with reflections.
  • How to replace lights, lamps, and windows.
  • How to fix distortion.
  • How to fix the bad color.
  • How to light a room with flash.
  • How to shoot for Photoshop.
  • How to use the hide-a-light technique.
  • And many in-depth Photoshop techniques for beautiful architectural photography.

And…practice photo files are included for download so you can master the art of processing images.

You will learn techniques that allow you to work quickly on low-budget assignments and how to create beautiful architecture photography for high-end clients as well. 

Course requirements: 

Photoshop is utilized broadly in the architecture and real estate photography course and keeping in mind that you needn’t bother to be a specialist, some commonality (principally Layer Covering techniques} will make it more straightforward for you.

In any case, in the event that you are not that acquainted with Photoshop, relax, we have some basic Photoshop recordings that will direct you en route.

You will require a computerized camera with a wide-point focal point. For full-outline sensor cameras, a focal point around 16-35 is great and in the event that you have an edited APS sensor camera, a wide-point focal point around 10-20 will function too.

In the event that you don’t have focal points there however have a wide-point focal point then use it for the course and realize what you want for later buy.

You really want a decent mount and a link delivery or remote gadget to set off your camera. I additionally prescribe remote triggers to fire the strobe/streaks.

This architecture and real estate photography course also covers lighting broadly and incorporates a few strategies.

You will figure out how to shoot design without lights, with strobes and umbrellas, and furthermore with a blaze unit.

Who’s the Instructor?   

There are many seminars on the most proficient method to be an astonishing picture taker, yet a number of them are shown by evident experts who have a profession and are filled in as a photographic artist

I was officially prepared at Creeks Organization during the 1980s and have worked consistently since. I have captured for Fortune 500 organizations, been distributed in endless magazines (you’ve likely known about), and shot Hollywood entertainers, expert competitors, lawmakers, lodgings, notable items, land, and more individuals, spots, and things than I can review.

I have shown photograph studios across the USA and the Center East. Established two stock photograph organizations, and sold a large number of stock photographs.

I love to educate and need to guarantee you succeed and adore photography in your own particular manner. You can trust me to show you your photography!

Are you ready to create stunning architectural photography?    

Then go along with me in this web-based experience and in a matter of seconds, you will acquire a superior comprehension of how to make extraordinary photos.

Could it be said that you are prepared to find basic and simple-to-follow methodologies for making viable land photography that I have utilized for a long time in my expert business?

Need to get familiar with this course? Snap to watch the video above.

Enlist today! Simply click Take This Course now so you can move began immediately!

Also, you can survey this course Free of charge! Furthermore, in the event that you didn’t have the foggiest idea, there is a 30-day, 100 percent unconditional promise, importance there is NO Gamble TO YOU!

                       Thank you, Charlie!

I genuinely partook in the course without question and gleaned some significant experience. I recently began shooting land photography expertly this year in January and just shot my 220th home this previous week.

I’m truly hoping to extend to more towards Modelers, Planners, and Manufacturers and your course has certainly assisted me with the entirety of the abovementioned. Much obliged again for giving such an incredible understanding of your experience as a picture taker.

Chris Burk 

“Greetings Charlie, – I took your class online at Udemy, “Dominating Design and Land Photography,” and it prompted my most memorable engineering shoot being a tremendous achievement.

Many thanks to you for this unmistakable, enlightening, very supportive class. Getting this client, and working really hard at it, was a significant point in my vocation. I’m thankful”. – Warm respects, Steven S

I have never seen such a nitty-gritty and complete arrangement of examples in the entirety of my web-based encounters and I have been taking courses starting around 2005… … .Don’t look any further!” – Fran S.

Well, without a doubt WOW!!!, blew, an extraordinary course, particularly in photoshop layering and covering.

I take my cap off! There is definitely not a solitary word I can say to communicate how thankful I am for you sharing your insight, I’m doing all that you displayed in this course in Land photography, particularly in my Exemplary virtual visits, and this is perfect. Much obliged to you Thank you.” – Pedro

 I filled in as a picture taker + in a darkroom for quite a long time and expected to change to computerized photography.

This course takes care of everything – camera use, inside/outside lighting, gear, photoshop, camera crude, photograph blend, clever fixes, photography work process, evaluating, using time productively (and more). I have worked disconnected applying every one of the procedures. I could never have realized this much in an entire year of photography course. Outstanding….Mitchell M.

“Hi, Charlie.

Much obliged, your course was/is totally great and I’ve gained tons of useful knowledge. The best is I’ve proactively begun applying the information acquired and it had a major effect on the manner in that I take photographs in the post-handling stages.

I would prescribe this course to everyone doing building and land photography. I’ll manage this course over and over, to advance however much I can. Much obliged once more! Kind respects and have an incredible day.”

“I have never seen such a nitty-gritty and thorough arrangement of examples in the entirety of my web-based encounters and I have been taking courses beginning around 2005.

The detail and unequivocal headings are exactly what the amateur requirements. I have not participated in compositional photography previously thus this was a special reward for me.

I have recently taken courses with Charlie, and he is my expert with regard to streaks, however presently additionally when I wish to find out about capturing structures and homes. Try not to look any further!” – Fran S.

This course was the second instructional exercise that I bought on design photography. The other course was by a photography blog and had “some” extraordinary data yet it simply wasn’t equivalent to this course.

The upside of this course is Charlie’s purposeful speed and definite guidance combined with Udemy’s advantageous connection point. I have watched this seminar on my work area, telephone, tablet, lounge area, bed, in my shed, and in my vehicle, and each of the gadgets has kept tabs on my development faultlessly.

In my other course, all I got was the video film, 2 documents to alter, and a simple list of chapters with clocks for subjects covered.

They didn’t actually place me in that frame of mind for me! The recordings must be stacked on every gadget I possessed and I needed to record the moment markers where I left off to observe later. (Extremely disappointing and that course was more than $100) In the event that you’re a bustling proficient and need a course that is prepared at whatever point and any place you are, this is perfect! In conclusion, the arrangement I got on the course was ludicrous for such a significant substance.
-Milton V.

Dear Mr. Borland, 

Your “Dominating Design and Land Photography” course truly assisted me with decisively further developing my land photography and carrying it to a more elevated level. I’m at present filling in as a real estate professional in Athens Greece and taking a gander at the photographs of properties we have on the web was truly frustrating.

90 days prior I concluded to take care of business and I had a conversation with the proprietor of the Land Organization and proposed to him to allow me to photograph essentially the most costly properties. Despite the fact that I persuaded him that I could make it happen and in spite of the fact that I own a DSLR camera and have an involvement in photography, I was having a shaky outlook on the nature of my photographs.

Subsequently, I chose to scan the web for pertinent courses and articles that could end up being useful to me in work on my RE photography and this is the way I saw your course presented through Udemy. I promptly got it and today I am so happy I did.

It is exceptionally thorough and scientific, with a bit-by-bit guide of the multitude of procedures you want to use to have an extraordinary outcome. It fundamentally covers each part of Engineering and Land Photography from the outside to every one of the inside spaces and from a day to a nightfall photograph shoot of a property.

The course has helped me a ton likewise with all the post-handling procedures that it offers, which are again made sense of in an extremely complete manner. Going through every one of the examples and applying every one of the procedures I learned through the course, with simply the fundamental stuff of a camera, wide-point focal point, and a mount, gave me the certainty I was missing prior to buying the course.

I have previously done a couple of photographs goes for the organization and consistently I’m being approached to shoot an ever-increasing number of properties. Much obliged to you for assisting me with understanding my fantasy, – Katerina. 

Who this course is for:

  • Photographers interested in expanding or starting a photography business
  • Real estate agents who desire to photograph their own listings
  • Pro photographers expanding to new areas

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