Yoast SEO WordPress plugin

September 20, 2022
Updated 2022/09/20 at 6:50 PM
5 Min Read
Yoast Seo wordpress plugin
Yoast Seo wordpress plugin

Yoast SEO WordPress plugin is for search engine optimization (SEO). Over 25,000 people have given this plugin five stars on WordPress and it has more than 5 million active installations and more than 350 million downloads.

Although readability, meta descriptions, title tags, keyword research, and the overall SEO world can sometimes be intimidating, with the help of the Yoast SEO WordPress plugin it won’t be any more

For our clients’ websites, we always install the Yoast SEO WordPress plugin It’s a free and simple approach to improving your content so that search engines can find your business.


Originally known as WordPress SEO, Yoast SEO produced its first All-in-One SEO Pack plugin in 2007. SEO advisor Joost de Valk designed it as a WordPress plugin.

The plug-in was renamed Yoast SEO in 2012. A premium version of the Yoast SEO WordPress plugin was introduced in 2012. The first YoastCon conference took place in 2015 at Nijmegen, Netherlands’ Lindenberg Nijmegen Culture House. Version and earlier versions were found to contain a bug in 2015.

A security expert found the loophole, which might have exposed Yoast SEO WordPress plugin users to hackers. Yoast generated total revenue of €10 million in 2018.

The Benefits and Uses of the Yoast SEO WordPress Plugin

There are plenty of features to learn how to utilize, whether you have the free or paid edition of this plugin. The main attributes and advantages you should be aware of are as follows:

The Focus Key Word
The keyword or keywords that you want that specific page on your website to rank for are here. Your keyword research should yield your focus keyphrase. If you haven’t conducted keyword research, look at this or contact us to talk about how we can help.

Your target keyword will probably be “volunteer” if you are creating a page on your website for volunteers. However, the better chance you have of appearing higher in the search engine rankings, the more particular you can be. These are what we refer to as specialized keywords, like “online volunteer opportunity.”

Chrome Preview
A sample of how your website would appear in search results is shown in this section. You can change the page’s SEO title and meta description by selecting Edit Snippet. With your keywords in mind, the tool helps you concentrate on writing.

Not merely keywords are given priority by search engines. The best and most pertinent results for the user’s search keywords are their primary concern. This means that your page must also be easy to read. Yoast SEO identifies the faults, highlights areas for improvement, and offers links for solutions.

on social media.
There is frequently a preview of the link when you share a post on social media that points to a page on your website. It contains a picture, called a “featured image,” the post’s title, and a summary.

Unless you wish to alter the preview for social media, Yoast SEO WordPress plugin (Premium) pulls in the title and description from the SEO tab of the plugin. Specifically for social networking, the plugin enables you to create a title, a description, and add a picture.


More than 11 million websites use the software, and 15.4% of the top 1 million websites in the globe.
It has received over five million downloads only on WordPress. The author of the 2015 book WordPress Search Engine Optimization, Michael David, called it “the granddaddy of all SEO plugins.”

The editor of EE Times, Brian Santo, uses Yoast to estimate an article’s ranking on Google using analysis results (such as keyword density, keyphrase density, links, and readability), but he criticizes the harm SEO has done to journalism and suggests Google use more artificial or human intelligence to improve search.

Why Yoast SEO Use Is Encouraged

Yoast SEO is a wonderful training tool, even if you aren’t very familiar with SEO best practices. Use it frequently as you publish new pages or perform a sweep of your current ones.

Regular use of the plugin will train your brain to naturally write your page and post content with optimization in mind.

To get to the top of the search results, combine this plugin with a keyword strategy and content strategy.

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